Private Patient Rooms
Private Rooms Promote Improved Outcomes
Our focus is always on you and what’s best for our community.
Over the years we have learned about your needs and we
understand it’s our duty to continually dedicate ourselves to
providing safe, high-quality health care.
When It Comes To Health, Privacy Matters
Private rooms are the standard in
health care because they result in
better care. Studies show private rooms
make for better sleep and healthier,
happier patients. Research also shows
that patients experience fewer falls,
have less risk of infection and shorter
recovery times in private rooms. Our
fundamental focus in this process is for
patient safety and healthier outcomes.
Exceptional design, state-of-the-art
equipment and patient support are at
the heart of this project.
Modern equipment makes larger
rooms a necessity. The new private rooms allow for nurses and support staff to
easily maneuver equipment to access
the patient and care for his or her needs.
The layout of the private rooms promotes
greater efficiency for better caregiving.
Private rooms also encourage family
involvement. The role of family and
loved ones has changed from concerned
by-stander to an important member of
the care team. They provide vital support
and studies show patients recover more
quickly when family members are able to
stay and participate in their care.
Over the past five years, we
have invested $49 million to upgrade
technology and improve facilities to meet
the needs of our patients and families.
To stay ahead of the latest changes in health care and continue our level
of excellent care, it is crucial that
we further expand and enhance
our facilities.
The new 43,575-square-foot,
three-story addition will consist
of two, all-private, 20-bed units
on the upper levels for medicalsurgical
patients as well as areas
for medical and support staff.
The expansion will be married
onto the existing hospital and
will receive a face lift while
still preserving as much of the
current facility as possible.
Expansion Updates
The first floor of the project
will expand the outpatient
services area for patients who
need ongoing care.
Once new construction is
completed, renovations will be
underway to convert existing
double rooms on the hospital’s
current medical-surgical units
for staff space and outpatient services. An inpatient dialysis
unit will be located on the 2nd
floor and an 18-bed observation
unit is planned for the 3rd floor.
The main advantage
of a dedicated observation
unit is the focus it brings on
the monitoring, evaluation,
patient care and decisionmaking
process required for
observation patients. Clustering
them in a separate unit will
provide better patient care.
The project will also result
in improved efficiency and
accessibility of the hospital’s
emergency department. The
availability of the dedicated
observation unit along with
the increased private room
capacity is expected to help
minimize wait times in the
emergency department due to
available beds in the medical
Patient Safety
A Priority in Project Design
While our patients desire
privacy, comfort and
quiet, they also need a safe
environment in order to heal.
The proposed project includes
a number of design features
that improve patient safety:
Enhanced Communication
Communication between caregivers and
patients is an important part of the patient
experience. Quieter spaces lend themselves
to better communication with caregivers.
Private patient rooms help provide a more
intimate setting for discussions on sensitive
healthcare topics.
Less Risk of Infections
A key component to return a patient to
good health is to prevent infections. Each
room is designed to incorporate readily
available sinks and hand disinfectants along
with finishes that are easily cleaned and
Reduced Patient Falls
The nursing units are configured with clear
lines of sight into patient rooms, enabling
even quicker preventive assistance by
nursing staff and/or faster post-fall care.
The rooms are designed to place the toilet as
close as possible to the patient’s bed and are
equipped with grab bars.
Improved Patient Experience
The proposed project design also includes
multidisciplinary work spaces to provide areas
for team collaboration during shift changes.